<strong>MTM Engineering</strong> as a high technology provider
<strong>MTM Engineering</strong> as a high technology provider
About our company

MTM Engineering as a high technology provider

MTM PVD Coating is a Turkish company located in the capital city of Ankara. MTM PVD Coating distributes well known brands in Turkish and nearby countries. Beside that MTM PVD Coating produces special PVD solutions for his clients. As PVD coating is a complicated process MTM PVD Coating offers key turn solutions including; defining the need, sample coating, offering the needed equipment, commissioning, training of the personnel and giving maintenance service.

Physical Vapor Deposition It is a new technology which changed the traditional chemical galvano coating to physical based coating. With this process the target (referred to anode in electroplating) vapored via arc, magnetron, sputter or thermal way. The vapored particules coat the surface of substrate. All this happens in a vacuum chamber. This is the basic of the process but of course there are too many other features.
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  • What is PVD coating?
    What is PVD coating?

    PVD coating (Physical Vapor Deposition) is a technology used to coat surfaces with various materials. PVD operates on the principle of evaporating a solid material under high vacuum, allowing the vapor to collide with and…

  • Plasma treatment under PVD
    Plasma treatment under PVD

    Plasma treatment is often used in conjunction with PVD (Physical Vapor Deposition) processes to enhance the adhesion and performance of the deposited coatings. Plasma treatment involves subjecting the substrate surface to a highly energized plasma…

  • Magnetron coating on cutting tools
    Magnetron coating on cutting tools

    Magnetron sputter coating is a commonly used technique for depositing coatings on cutting tools. It is a type of PVD (Physical Vapor Deposition) process that utilizes magnetron sputtering to deposit thin films onto the surface…

Let's get in
touch with us

Anadolu Bulvari No:139-28 06200 Yenimahalle, Ankara/Turkey

Phone: +90 535 833 15 58
Email: info@mtm-eng.com